Thursday, 27 October 2011

How I need to be thinking...

May the dreams of your past be the reality of your future.
Author Unknown

The minute you alter your perception of yourself and your future, both you and your future begin to change.
Marilee Zdenek

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Alan Kay

Quotes taken from

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Awesome day at work

Today, on my internship, I've been able to be my creative self!

I have designed business cards for a colleague who is a photographer and also designed a new book cover for one of the best books I've ever read, Liars and Saints by Maile Meloy.

I will photograph the business cards once they are printed and put them up here but for now, here is the book cover...

Monday, 24 October 2011

On Saturday afternoon, I spent my time creating a lino print. I decided on a simple rose head.

  1. I first of all traced over the top of the image of the rose on top of the lino so it embossed onto the lino.
  2. I then went over the lines with pencil so I could see them.
  3. I then warmed up the lino on a heater so it would be easy to cut through.
  4. Then I went along the lines with a scalpel so I could scoop out the lino with the lino cutting tool.
  5. I carried on doing this until the rose was ready to be used to print.
  6. I got the paper and wet it on both sides.
  7. Then I rolled the black ink onto the rose pattern on the lino and place the wet/damp paper on top.
  8. I laid a piece of wood on top of it all and stood on top of it to press down firmly so the print would turn out well.
  9. Then I lifted the wood and voila! a lino print!
Warning to my family: you are all getting lino print cards for Christmas! So much fun!

Looking back: Dissertation

Today, whilst at work, I was thinking about when I was writing my dissertation for my final year.

Thinking back, I absolutely loved piecing it altogether. I chose a subject I am passionate about which is why I got sucked into the material and found it difficult to stop once I got started. Closing myself away in my room and diving into tonnes of library books, exploding fascinating information at me, was bliss. Geek, you may say. I don't care.

Finding the research and gathering key factors was so enjoyable. It was like assembling a puzzle but using words, phrases and quotes. You have the first piece of the puzzle which is the research and I know I need to connect it to the conclusion which is the point I am supporting and getting across to the reader. That's the final piece to a section. In the middle, there is an array of information that needs to be sorted by relevance to the topic and of course, the content must be interesting!

The satisfaction of all of it coming together is magical. Reading it through and having it all making sense feels so rewarding.

So, if you're writing a dissertation or an essay — make sure you centre it around a subject that you are passionate and crazy about!

Sunday, 16 October 2011

4 job applications later...

Today, although its Sunday, I couldn't just relax and enjoy my day. Niggling in the back of my mind is "get a job" "get a job" "get a job"... so, quite successfully, I have applied for jobs that I feel that I suit the specification and needs of. Fingers crossed I will hear back from at least one of them.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

A Thousand Splendid Suns

Book cover design

Pen on paper

Why I like writing.

I was attempting to nail down the reason why I like writing physically, plain old pen and paper. I love the physical fluency of the words and letters, linking together smoothly and cohesively. My handwriting is bold and curvaceous (much like me!) and I'll find any excuse to jot something down or jot something in my diary for the sake of the feeling the pen on the paper. It sounds ridiculous and slightly obsessive. It's just another thing I like to do.

I was working with some 14 year olds and they had to complete some small tests, one being a communications test. At the end they all complained that their wrists ached and they had to write too much. Looking through their tests, the amount of writing they did seemed like nothing, each maybe 100 words at the most. I couldn't believe it — I was gobsmacked. I asked them "do you write essays at school?" and said "you've hardly written anything!" and none of them really answered me or said anything. They don't mind typing but they all hate writing.

Do teenagers nowadays at school do EVERYTHING on computers? I really worry about how, some schools and teachers, are letting the best traditional tools slip away because of modern technology.

I wanted to voice this opinion — what does everyone else think? People my age especially (22)...

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Job search update

Well, I've had one interview for a graphic designer role which unfortunately I didn't get. I was a little disappointed but I've taken it as experience. The feedback was that I interviewed well and he liked my work but the work wasn't suited to the role which I'm fine with. I'd rather it be that way round that they liked me but my work didn't suit rather than they didn't like me but my work did suit. I'm stil searching as hard as ever and I am waiting to hear back from a few applications. Please pray for me :)